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Debra's Remote Viewing

& Parapsychology Research Projects

By Lance W. Beem & Debra L. Katz, Edited by Teresa Findely Summary published in Aperture Magazine,  Fall/Winter 2015, Issue 26, pp 42 - 29. Abstract published in the 2014 Parapsychology Association Convention Book of Abstracts & presented by Katz as a full paper in Concord, CA

By Debra Katz & Michelle Bulgatz, Edited by Jon NobelArticle Published in Aperture Magazine,

Spring/Summer 2013 issue, pp 46 - 51.

Abstract Published in the 2013 Parapsychology Association Convention book of Abstracts & Presented as a full paper by Katz in Viterbo, Italy after a peer review.

This RV project, spear headed by Michelle Bulgatz & Debra Katz is ongoing as we do not yet have enough feedback to analyze results. It involved 3 groups: 1 group of viewers who were totally blind to the topic (they received a target number, but didn't know it had to do with a missing plane). Another group knew they were describing the current location of the missing plane. A third group acted as a control group and they responded to questions about where the plane was located with logic. You can download the group comparison spreadsheet based on all sessions, but we don't have individual sessions to see at this time. We pray for the families of the missing people the plane is found soon. Please check back here for updates!

2015 Warcollier Object Proposal

Debra Lynne Katz & Michelle Bulgatz were recipients of the IRVA/IRIS 2015 Warcollier Research Award for their proposal involving the remote viewing of objects in different locations/backgrounds and how this corresponds to current studies in visual perception. The project is being carried out now. While we can not risk having the viewers read the proposal as they need to remain blind to the target pool, if you are a researcher feel free to contact Debra for more info. Project should be completed by June 2016.

Sublime ARV group has been together for close to 4 years (we work in cooperation with the Applied Precognition Project) and we have just begun a year long study in which 7 experienced remote viewers will utilize their dreams to produce a transcript that will match a photo they will see in the future. This photo has been paired with one of two outcomes related to Sports Wagering (over/under total score). The project will determine whether dreaming is a viable method to be utilized within an Associative Remore Viewing Protocol. The research design team consists of Nancy Smith, Debra Katz & Michelle Bulgatz. Nancy is team Leader and Debra and Michelle will also serve as dreamers. This project should be completed by Spring 2017. Our project was inspired by a talk given by Dale Graff at the 2015 IRVA conference, who has joined us for this project.

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