Racing Horse Bike RV Session
Notice how the sketch of the athlete's body resembles the wooden horse. Debra didn't know that's what she was doing when she drew it like this. She didn't see the body this way (or consciously know there was a horse like object on the bike, or that it was a bike, although she did see the hands outstretched holding onto what appeared to be handle bars and knew he was on a moving vehicle going across uneven terrain. When drawing, she noticed the body was strange and out of proportion, but felt compelled to leave it this way. This is very common in remote viewing, it's not just about viewing, it's about what emerges on the paper when you allow yourself to sketch what ever your hand is compelled to. The theory is, the remote viewers subconscious knows what it's doing as long as the logical mind can get out of the way and let it express it self.
This two page session was a good match to the photo site with instant site contact. It also had a strong sketch, written descriptors and little errors. However, it was done more in a freestyle format as this isn't adhering too well with CRV structure (it's too disorganized for CRV structure, and words shouldn't be next to each other, but rather underneath each other). Debra tends to switch methodologies depending on who is assigning the target and the nature of the assignment. For ARV projects, judges prefer the viewer only turns in a few pages, while CRV projects can have dozens and dozens of pages. This is because, for ARV, all a viewer needs to do is to describe a target well enough, so the judge knows which photo they are describing. It is not so much the case in a different kind of project, where details are needed in order to solve a real world problem.