RV books and Ressources
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Controlled Remote Viewing, or CRV, is a wonderful written method, which allows a person to access his or her own intuition. Learning CRV will allow you, the Viewer, to describe a target photo hidden in an envelope, along with any location, person, or thing anywhere in all of time or space!
All knowledge is available to the subconscious mind. The protocols and structure of CRV allow the Controlled Remote Viewer to bring information which lies hidden within the subconscious mind to the surface and objectify it. The CRV process is designed to help the Viewer set aside the normal pollution and imagination that is inherent in any intuitive process, and extract the information he/she seeks. The structure and methodology of the CRV process is introduced step-by-step by guiding the student through actual sessions, utilizing real and progressively more complex target photos.
A Very Brief History of Controlled Remote Viewing Many years ago, a Russian man defected to the United States. He carried papers with him, indicating that the Russian government had a very active “psychic spying unit.” (Ahhhh… So that’s how they had been getting all of our best-kept secrets!) Never to be outdone, the U.S. government decided that if the Russians had such a program, we had better find a way to develop one, too. So with the help of two eminent scientists at California’s Stanford Research Institute (Hal Puthoff and Russell Targ) and a well-known psychic artist (Ingo Swann), the CRV structure was developed. CRV is designed to open the door between the conscious and subconscious minds. It is set up in phases that allow the Viewer to move progressively from basic information to greater and greater detail. This methodology was utilized to supplement intelligence information for the government.
Currently, CRV is used by corporations, archeologists, businessmen, physicians, and law enforcement, to name a few. CRV Classes Intuitive Specialists teaches the military style of Controlled Remote Viewing. The curriculum we use was written by Lyn Buchanan, author of “The Seventh Sense.” Lyn taught CRV in the military and maintained the database. Lori Williams, owner and Director of Intuitive Specialists, teaches the Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced CRV courses. Lyn Buchanan began mentoring Lori in April of 1997, and they have collaborated frequently over the past 14 years.
Since 2001, Lori has taught over 300 students. She is a professional remote viewer with many years’ experience both nationally and internationally. Take time to read through our website and find out how learning Controlled Remote Viewing can help you achieve your goals.
Please contact Lori Williams Directly for Pricing and further details about the training at:
Class Descriptions
(note: Lori Teaches from Lyn Buchanan's manual. He is not currently teaching to the public as he is working on his next book).
What is Medical Applications with Lori Williams or Lyn Buchanan?
This class takes remote viewing to a whole new level! The class teaches you that CRV is a two-way street. Rather than simply viewing, in this course you will learn how to affect a target. The focus is in diagnostics and healing. This is Lori’s favorite class because it teachers you to influence people to heal themselves. Unlike the remote viewing courses that precede it, Med Apps was not officially developed by the military. Some of these practices were actually forbidden! It was developed by the viewers within the military such as Lyn Buchanan and other men who did so on their own time, and in secret. As a result, this is a class unlike any other. Lyn Buchanan and his protege’, Lori Williams, are the only ones officially teaching this complete collection of techniques as they were designed.
You will learn how to quickly link with someone in order to heal that person. You will learn to travel to a place on the subconscious plane in order to create change within. The tools taught in this class with protect you while you do healing work, and will teach you how to heal yourself and improve every aspect of your life.
Hands on activities include:
1). Experiment with the Building Analogy/Exercises to learn how to create positive changes in your life.
2). Practicing on volunteers to see real-time results.
3). Group exercises and meditations in class and ongoing sessions with Lori and other students where you can create health and well-being in your life and in the lives of others.
Prerequisite is Basic CRV and Intermediate CRV. Students who took these classes from other teachers other are welcome as long as they have the foundational classes and a working knowledge of the CRV methodology.
What is Basic Remote Viewing Course (Level I with Lori Williams )
Controlled Remote Viewing Basic, Phases 1, 2 and 3 includes:
The Theory of CRV – An overview of the CRV method, its uses, potentials, currently-used applications and limitations.
The History of the Military’s Remote Viewing Program – How the U.S. Military came to develop and use Controlled Remote Viewing as a supplement to its Intelligence gathering tools.
A Brief Overview of Other Types of Remote Viewing.
Frequently Used Terminology – CRV Basic will teach a brief set of the most frequently-used terms and how they are applied within the science of Controlled Remote Viewing.
Phase One – Learn how to open the door to your subconscious mind. This is the part of the CRV structure that forms the foundation of the entire CRV session. In this part of the course, you will begin to develop a relationship with your own subconscious mind. The interactive work in Phase One will teach you how to get basic information about a target photo without using your normal five senses.
Phase Two – In Phase Two, you will learn to describe both sensory (colors, textures, smells, tastes, sounds) and dimensional (shapes, sizes, etc) information about a target site. The hardest part of any intuitive process is distinguishing between actual target information and your own imagination, logic, and wishful thinking. These problems and their solutions are covered. The student is taught to acquire accurate information about the target site as if he/she were actually there.
Phase Three: Sketching – Even if you feel that you “can’t draw a straight line” you can do very well in the sketching stage of remote viewing. In fact, some people who consider themselves poor sketchers do better in this phase of CRV than good graphic artists. For those who are gifted with an ability to draw well and those who aren’t, you will learn how to separate your imagination from actual target information while you draw. You will learn how to allow your subconscious to use your body to tell you what is at the target site in a graphical format. Even the distortions that come through as a natural part of the process can be important clues to understanding more about the target.
Self-Monitoring – The student is taught to monitor him/herself throughout the CRV process, keeping tabs on emotional states and adherence to the CRV structure in order to obtain the most objective, accurate information.
How to Score, Document and Record Results of the CRV Session – Each student is taught how to assess the results of every CRV session. Entering your results into a very simple database will allow you to establish a track record and a pattern of both strengths and weaknesses. Data is what separates the CRVer from “Madam Minerva in the Gypsy Tent.” By keeping track of your perceptions and whether they were correct, incorrect, or unscoreable, you’ll quickly see what you are really good at, and where you need help to strengthen certain areas.
Suggested Pre-Class Reading: “The Seventh Sense” by Lyn Buchanan
Intermediate CRV course with Lori Wiliams (Level II)
This course takes what the viewer learned and practiced from the basic course and teaches how to apply it to meet real-world needs.
The Intermediate CRV course introduces method enhancements which will allow the viewer to access and report with much greater detail. Physical relationships are somewhat harder to access and describe accurately than the more simple absolutes. Methods for in-session access of incoming information for these relationships are stressed. More complex aspects of a target are explored at this level. Methods to determine conceptual aspects of a site such as its purpose, use, category (religious, scientific, industrial), involvement in and with other targets, etc. The student is introduced to methods for gleaning this type of information within a CRV session.
Movement in time and space, using a designated target site as the starting point, opens controlled remote viewing to an enormous wealth of additional information. Methodology is taught using only sites which will provide provable feedback for training. Once the techniques are mastered, the student is able to develop personal methods which allow for the acquisition of more esoteric information, as desired.
These most complex, fleeting, and nebulous aspects of human existence are dealt with as are the methods used to access them. Methods which can be used to prevent the viewer from being influenced by the target person's imagination and emotions are also integrated into this portion of the training.
Using the logical conscious mind for analysis of the session while using the intuitive subconscious mind for viewing is an extremely difficult task, requiring the viewer to separate the jobs to each one. In-session analysis is trained which allows the viewer to break out the kernels of truth which causes the imagination to develop false pictures. Breaking out the information behind symbolic perceptions is also covered, along with a process for going back in session to break out those perceptions which you got, but for one reason or another, didn't declare or write down.
Advanced Sensory and Dimensional Attributes:
Identifying Physical Relationships:
Conceptual Aspects of the Target (purpose/use/etc.):
Movement in Time (Future/Past) and Space / Movement to Related Sites:
Humans (Emotions, Reasons, Motives, Feelings, Plans, Intentions, etc.):
Moving what you've learned to applications:
In-session analysis:
The Advanced Controlled Remote Viewing Course
Topics Covered:
Such conceptual aspects as distance in kilometers or miles, value in kopecks, etc., are not natural information structures, and exist only as social constructs. These are difficult aspects of a site to access and report accurately. Methods of reducing the task to small, easily accomplished increments are taught and practiced. The student learns new methods for accessing extremely detailed information from the site and ways to combine previously learned techniques to handle seemingly insurmountable tasks.
Access of physical relationships is enhanced as the student learns how to "perceive in 3-D". Clay modeling and other techniques are used as a working medium as the student learns to access even more detailed information from the site. The most advanced form of relationships are those which exist only in time, very distant locations, or a combination of both. The student learns search methods which identify such "thread" relationships. Once identified, special methods of access and reporting are covered.
Accessing and describing conceptual aspects of the target site is carried one step further, venturing into possible vs probable futures while keeping the viewing process clean of imagination and/or logical reasoning.
Methods are taught for using site contact to produce much more detailed drawings and even maps and/or site/construction plans. The student is led through increasing levels of complexity and difficulty, finally reaching a stage of tasking requiring details of components located inside intricate machinery.
Scalar Determinations (Degree of/Amount of/Value of/etc.):
Detailed Physical Attributes and Relationships:
3-Dimensional Relationships and Characteristics:
Connections (Physical and Non-Physical) in Time and Space:
Advanced Conceptual Aspects( Implications of / Ramifications of / etc.):
Detailed Drawing and Mapping Techniques: